and Expertise

Our firm specializes in the representation of employers from a broad range of sectors and fields of operation, advising them on the management of their human resources and all relevant labor and employment related legal aspects:

and Expertise

Our firm specializes in the representation of employers from a broad range of sectors and fields of operation, advising them on the management of their human resources and all relevant labor and employment related legal aspects:

practice and experitise

Our firm specializes in the representation of employers from a broad range of sectors and fields of operation, advising them on the management of their human resources and all relevant labor and employment related legal aspects:

Collective Employment Relations

  • Advising employers at the stage of initial collective organization efforts made at the workplace. Typically, this includes addressing the special rules of conduct, providing guidance to management level, preparing notifications to employees and media communications as well as representation before the various court instances.
  • Addressing and handling claims of representation by two clashing labor unions of employees at the same workplace as well as objections to labor union representation amongst employees.
  • Advising and representing in negotiations and drafting of collective bargaining agreements, guidance on the implementation of a collective bargaining agreement once signed, and preparation of all relevant documentation and regulatory filings.
  • Management of communications vis-à-vis the labor union during the term of the collective bargaining agreement, including in relation to terminations of employment, organizational restructuring, or corporate events (e.g., M&As or mass layoffs), settlement of disputes and disagreements, addressing various demands made by labor unions and more.
  • Advising and representing in labor disputes and work stoppages or strikes.
  • Filing all relevant regulatory filings and obtaining special regulatory permits.

Employment, consulting and related agreements and documents

  • Preparation of employment and consulting agreements tailored for the operations and business of the employer, various positions within the organization, customary sectorial terms and compliant with all legal requirements.
  • Preparation of confidentiality, non-competition, protection of intellectual property rights and privacy agreements.
  • Preparation of employee compensation and remuneration schemes and programs, including employment loans, car, performance-based compensation, stock-based compensation, combined remuneration plans and more.
  • Preparation of advanced employment related policy documents on a host of topics, e.g., prevention of sexual harassment and abuse at the workplace, use of computers and privacy, vacation, dress code and proper conduct at the workplace and more.

Ongoing advisory services

We believe in the importance of providing our clients full coverage suited to address their specific and comprehensive needs. To this end, we make ourselves available to management of our clients and advise them on the entire spectrum of labor and employment law matters that arise in their daily operations and activities. These include:

  • Advising on corporate reorganizations and structural changes, from mass layoffs, mergers, acquisitions, and privatization, including the preparation of all documents ancillary to these actions.
  • In a corporate reorganization or structural change of an organization that is a party to a collective bargaining agreement, we advise and represent in the collective relations negotiations, before the relevant authorities and regulatory bodies, we draft the collective bargaining agreements and, to the extent necessary, we represent before relevant court instances.
  • Advising on the adoption and implementation of structured recruiting mechanisms that are suited to operational requirements and are legal compliant.
  • Obtaining regulatory permits and approvals for work on rest days, holidays, and overtime.
  • Advising on termination of employment processes, for both junior and senior employees, and when needed, obtaining permits for the termination of employment of protected employees (pregnant women, employees undergoing fertility treatments, employees in military reserve duty etc.), changing terms of employment, transfers to other positions within the organization and more.
  • Representing before regulatory bodies, such as the Commissioner on Equal Opportunities in Employment, the Ministry of Labor and Employment, the Population and Immigration Authority and more.
  • Preparing legal opinions on a broad range of topics, e.g., applicability of extension orders, compensation schemes, interpretation of collective bargaining agreements, computation of social benefits and rights and more.
  • Preparing reports on equal pay and advising organizations on minimizing risk exposure for unjustified wages disparities.
  • Advising and handling crisis situations, e.g., employee complaints of sexual harassment and abuse at the workplace (for more on this topic see below).
  • Preparing notices before legal action and correspondence with employees and labor unions in tenuous situations.
  • Advising on issues of privacy, equality of rights and other rights at the workplace.
  • Advising on employee pension and savings insurance.
  • Providing updates on legal precedents and legislation.
  • Organizing and providing lectures and seminars for executive management, middle management, and human resources departments/teams.
  • Advising on remote and hybrid work models, employment of foreign experts and more in international companies or organizations.
  • Advising on complex retention and employment structures, e.g., subcontractors, human resources service providers, freelancers and the like.
  • Preparing and implementing regulatory compliance programs, to prevent ‘auto-pilot’ employment related policies in organizations and minimizing regulatory and compliance risks.

Representation in litigation

  • Representing clients before all court instances in both civil and criminal employment related cases.
  • Representation before governmental and other regulatory bodies, specialized dispute resolution committees, arbitration proceedings, mediation proceedings and more.
  • Representation and litigation of all types of labor law related claims, e.g., class actions, injunctions, enforcement of non-competition provisions, Anton-Piller orders, monetary claims, collective employment disputes and more.
  • Representation before the Ministry of Labor and Employment in administrative actions, both civil and criminal, as well as representation in obtaining regulatory permits, e.g., permits from the Commissioner of Women’s Employment, Employment Committee of the Ministry of Defense, Commissioner of Work and Rest Hours at the Labor and Employment Ministry and more.

Sexual Harassment and Abuse at the Workplace

We have special expertise in these fields, including:

  • Advising the internal supervisor of prevention of sexual harassment in inquiries into complaints of sexual harassment and abuse at the workplace.
  • Advising executive and middle management on legal compliance in instances of complaints of sexual harassment and abuse at the workplace.
  • Drafting workplace policies on prevention of sexual harassment and abuse at the workplace, beyond the minimal legal requirements and measures for implementing the same.
  • Providing training to internal supervisors of prevention of sexual harassment and abuse at the workplace.
  • Giving lectures and seminars on the prevention of sexual harassment and abuse at the workplace.
  • External examination and inquiry services into complaints of sexual harassment and abuse at the workplace.
  • Representing in legal proceedings following instances of complaints of sexual harassment and abuse at the workplace.

C-Level Executive Services

We provide consultation to C-level executives at crucial career junctions during their employment and career development journey, including in new employment, termination of employment and retirement.


Adv. Rachel Harary-Lifshits is a qualified mediator, and as such, we will provide dispute resolution through mediation in relevant and appropriate instances.

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